

Privacy Policy

ColorCarato is dedicated to safeguarding your privacy and holds the utmost respect for your desire to comprehend how your information will be managed and utilized. ColorCarato ensures full compliance with pertinent legislation when handling any personal information. This Privacy Policy establishes the foundation upon which any personal information we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be employed and stored by us, ColorCarato. We urge you to peruse it attentively to comprehend our methodologies regarding your personal information and how we intend to handle it.   WHAT PERSONAL INFORMATION DO WE COLLECT FROM YOU AND HOW? We gather and utilize information about you to ensure an enduring luxury e-commerce experience. Accordingly, we may collect the following details:
  • Information provided through filling out inquiry forms on our website www.colorcarato.shop. Such information might encompass name, residential and/or business address, email address, telephone number, demographic data like age, and/or other identifiers. We may also request information when you make an inquiry or report a website issue.
  • Correspondence details when you reach out to us, which may be recorded.
  • Data concerning your visits to our website, including traffic data, location details, weblogs, and other communication information, whether required for billing or other purposes.
  • When you make a purchase at our e-commerce establishments, we collect essential information to facilitate your purchase, along with other voluntarily provided information. We might also need supplementary information for security or compliance reasons. For purchases with deferred delivery, additional contact and delivery data is required to fulfill your purchase.
Your privacy is of utmost importance to us. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural measures to safeguard your personal information.   HOW THIS INFORMATION MAY BE USED AND SHARED We may utilize your personal information for various purposes, such as responding to your requests, providing product offerings, maintaining internal records, and internal marketing. We may also send notices and correspond with you about products and events sponsored by ColorCarato that we believe might pique your interest. In certain situations, we may disclose your personal information to third parties, including:
  • Companies and individuals carrying out functions on our behalf, with access to personal information solely for authorized purposes.
  • In the event of business or asset transactions, personal information may be disclosed to prospective sellers or buyers.
  • If our assets are acquired by a third party, personal information may be among the transferred assets.
  • To comply with legal obligations or enforce our rights, property, or safety.
We might also disclose information to government authorities or other third parties when legally required or permitted, including cooperating with law enforcement.   MARKETING OPT-IN PROVISION When you make an inquiry or purchase, you allow for ColorCarato marketing communications. We only send marketing communications when consented to and through preferred channels. We do not share your details with third parties for marketing purposes. Unsubscribe options are provided in every email.   ACCESS TO INFORMATION You can request information changes or deletions through a Data Subject Request. Contact us at info@colorcarato.shop.   COOKIES Refer to our Cookie Policy for details about cookies and their usage on our website.   CHANGES TO OUR PRIVACY POLICY Updates will be posted on this page. Check periodically to understand how we collect, use, and share information.   THIS PRIVACY POLICY WAS LAST UPDATED IN MAY 2023