


ring size
She’s been dreaming of this moment—when you slide that stunning ring on her finger and make it official. It’s a moment you’ll both cherish forever, and maybe even capture on camera to share with your loved ones. You want everything to be perfect, right? But what if something goes wrong at this romantic moment? What if the ring doesn’t fit, or worse, gets stuck? That would be a mood killer, wouldn’t it?
Finding the right ring size is crucial for a memorable proposal
Don’t worry, we have you covered. There are foolproof ways to make sure your ring size is accurate so that you and your partner can enjoy the moment. Here are some options to find the right ring size. You can use simple methods like printable ring size charts or get professional help. There is a perfect solution for you. For extra peace of mind, you can also try different ways to confirm the ring size. Many people do that to be completely sure. You may not have the ring size ready yet, but the process is easy, fun and exciting. This complete ring size guide will make your shopping experience stress-free and help you find the perfect ring for your dream proposal.
Why You Need to Know Your Ring Size Before You Shop

If you’re looking for an engagement ring, you want to make sure it fits perfectly. Not only will it feel more comfortable, but it will also protect the quality of the ring. Some rings can lose their shape or damage their gems if they are resized too much.

That’s why you should always consult with a diamond expert before you resize a ring. They can advise you on the best way to adjust the ring without compromising its beauty or durability.

Resizing a ring means adding or taking away a small piece of metal from the back of the band. A skilled jeweler can do this without leaving any trace. But why take the risk when you can get the right size from the start?

Fancy Yellow Diamond Engagement Ring
Fancy Intense Yellow Oval Diamond Engagement Ring
Find Your Ring Size at the Right Moment

Your body is not the same throughout the day or the year. When it’s freezing, your shoes might feel loose. Your fingers are also affected by the temperature. They shrink when it’s cold and swell when it’s hot. Your diet and drinks can also make a difference. Salty foods and alcohol can make you feel bloated. That’s why you should measure your ring size when your body is in its normal state. Don’t do it on days that are too cold or too hot. Wait until later in the day when your hands are warm. That way, you’ll get the most accurate ring size for your perfect engagement ring.

How to Use a Printable Chart to Find Your Ring Size

A printable chart is a smart way to find out your ring size. You can take it anywhere and use it anytime. All you need to do is print the chart and put a ring that fits you on the circles. Find the circle that matches your ring the best. Each circle has a US ring size next to it.

What if your ring is between two circles? Don’t worry, that happens a lot. Just pick the bigger size to make sure your ring won’t be too tight.

If you want to surprise someone with a ring, you can ask their family or friends to sneak a ring from them and use the chart. It’s that easy!

2 D 2 41 41
3 F 4 44 44
3 1⁄4 F ½ 4 ½ 45 45
3 3⁄4 G ½ 6 46 46
4 H 7 47 47
4 ½ I 8 48 48
4 3⁄4 I ½ 9 49 49
5 1⁄4 J ½ 10 50 50
5 ½ K 11 51 51
6 L 12 52 52
6 ½ M 13 53 53
6 3⁄4 M ½ 14 54 54
7 1⁄4 N ½ 15 55 55
7 ½ O 16 56 56
8 P 17 57 57
8 1⁄4 P ½ 18 58 58
8 3⁄4 Q ½ 19 59 59
9 R 20 60 60
9 ½ S 21 61 61
9 3⁄4 S ½ 22 62 62
10 1⁄4 T ½ 23 63 63
10 ½ U 24 64 64
11 V 25 65 65
11 1⁄4 V ½ 26 66 66
11 3⁄4 W ½ 27 67 67
12 X 28 68 68
12 ½ Y 29 69 69
13 Z 30 70 70
13 1⁄4 Z ½ 31 71 71
How to Find Your Ring Size with a String or Paper

You don’t need any fancy tools to measure your ring size. You can use a simple string or paper strip to do it. It’s easy and effective. Here’s how you do it.

Wrap a string or paper strip around the bottom of your ring finger.

Make a mark with a pen where the ends meet. Don’t pull the string or paper too hard. It should feel snug but not tight. That’s how you get the right fit.

Then measure the length of the string or paper with a ruler or tape measure. Use the mm units and divide that number by 3.14. That’s the diameter of your ring.

Compare your diameter with the paper ring size chart to find your ring size.

Ring Size
Get Expert Advice
Choosing your ring and getting the perfect fit is a big deal. That’s why you should trust your diamond pro. They know everything about rings and how to make them suit your style. They’re ready to help and make you happy. There are so many things that only your pro can tell you about your ring. That’s why their advice is essential for your final decision.
Think About Ring Width and Style

Some rings have a very thick band, and you might not know that you need a bigger size for them. A lot of other ring styles can also affect the size you need.

Eternity bands are another example of gorgeous jewelry. These bands have diamonds all over them. They symbolize eternal love—just like the ring has no start or end. But the extra diamonds on the ring might make you need a slightly bigger size to make sure it feels good on your finger.

Want a Unique Ring?

You’re lucky because you have so many amazing rings to pick from. But it can also be hard to decide with so many options. That’s why you need COLORCARATO. The friendly pros at COLORCARATO are ready to help you with every detail of your ring choice.

This will be a ring that shows your love story forever. It should reflect your personality, your style as a couple and your originality. Let the diamond and jewelry pros at COLORCARATO guide you to get the perfect ring that you’ll love for years.

There are so many things to think about. The ring design is one thing. But the center diamond shape is also key. There are so many metals to make your ring more personal; white, yellow or rose gold are just some of them. Platinum might be your thing.

Fancy Intense Yellow Radiant Halo Diamond Ring
Fancy Intense Yellow Radiant Halo Diamond Ring

We’ve talked about different ways to find your ring size. You might want to try a few more to be sure you’ve got it right before you choose your ring. It doesn’t hurt to double-check.

Watch Out for Weight Changes

You know how your weight can go up and down sometimes. If your ring fits well, it can handle some weight changes with you. And you plan to wear this ring for your whole life—so you might change a little over the years.

If you lose or gain weight for good—don’t stress. Your precious ring can go to the jeweler for a fix so that it can stay with you every day.

You might think this is too much info and you don’t need it all to find the right ring size for the one you want. But we’re giving you more info to make sure we don’t miss anything. Looking for the perfect diamond ring is one of the happiest things a couple can do. It deserves your time and attention during the choice process. And when you get the right ring size, you’ll be ready to give the ring—and she’ll wear it forever. And that’s awesome!