


CLEANING FANCY COLOR DIAMOND JEWELRY : Exquisite colored diamond jewelry is timeless, its vibrancy never fades. Yet, like all things, it may lose its sparkle over time. But fear not, restoring its original luster is a breeze.

A diamond ring, more than any other jewel, endures the most wear and tear. It’s constantly in motion, brushing against tables, keyboards, and various surfaces. Despite the cleanliness of the surroundings, jewelry collects debris as it graces your skin.

Many jewelers advise professional cleaning of your jewelry biannually. But let’s be real, it’s not always feasible to visit the jeweler.

The defining feature of fancy colored diamonds is their unique hue. Any dirt or foreign particles lodged in the setting can diminish the color, brilliance, and radiance of the gem.

Adhere to our simple 5-step guide to ensure your diamond jewelry continues to sparkle as it’s meant to.

STEP 1: Gather Your Materials

Jewelry Cloth – A jewelry cloth is ideal for gently wiping the diamond before and after the cleaning process. If a jewelry cloth or flannel cloth isn’t at hand, a simple cotton piece will suffice.

Jewelry Brush – A jewelry cloth is essential to ensure the diamond is completely free of debris. If a jewelry brush isn’t available, a SOFT-bristled toothbrush can be used as a substitute.

Solution – The solution plays a crucial role in dislodging dirt and mineral deposits from the diamond jewelry. Depending on the item you’re cleaning, you may need to tweak the magic formula.

For diamond jewelry, use hot water and a detergent-free soap, such as dish soap. Ammonia is optimal for diamonds, but it may alter the color of the metals.

For loose diamonds, an ammonia and warm water solution is recommended. The mixture should consist of 3 parts water and 1 part ammonia. If pure ammonia isn’t available, a window cleaning solution can be used. Interestingly, window cleaner has the exact ratio of ammonia and water needed.

The Cleaning Material Required to Scrub the Jewelry Clean
STEP 2: Ensure the Gems are Firmly Set
Before embarking on the cleaning journey, confirm that all diamonds are securely positioned. This is a straightforward check that involves ensuring the gems are tightly fastened. Cleaning jewelry with loose diamonds could risk damaging or even losing the gem. If a loose diamond is detected, don’t take chances. Entrust the piece to a reputable jewelry firm to guarantee the diamonds are securely repositioned. Once the firm handles the setting, they’ll likely include cleaning at no extra cost.
Inspecting the Diamond Jewelry
STEP 3: Eliminate Possible Harmful Particles
Begin by removing any hair or dust from the diamond jewelry. Such debris can inadvertently scratch the diamond’s surface during the cleaning process. To err on the side of caution, after eliminating any hair or dust, give the piece a good shake and rinse it under a stream of running water.
Removing Dust and Hair
STEP 4: Purifying the Jewelry

Immerse the diamond jewelry in the pre-prepared solution (of hot water and detergent-free soap) for a span of 3-5 minutes. Using a soft-bristled brush, initiate the process of scrubbing the diamond jewelry to eliminate any unwanted dirt or grime. This will eradicate the accumulation within, on, and beneath the diamond. Repeat this phase 2 or 3 times to ensure complete removal of all dirt.

Once purified, pat the diamond dry with a jewelry cloth or a cotton pad.

Scrubbing the Jewelry Clean
Drying and Polishing the Jewelry
STEP 5: Safeguarding Your Diamonds

When your jewelry is not adorning you, nestle it in a plush cloth pouch or its original box. As time passes, all things accumulate dust. But, appropriate storage of your diamond jewelry can help shield it from undesirable elements.

The allure of fancy colored diamonds lies in their enduring color, brilliance, and luster. Regular cleaning ensures your piece continues to dazzle as it’s meant to.

Properly Storing the Jewelry